Requirements for foundation casting of road traffic signal lights

Road traffic light foundation is good, which is related to the later use of the process, equipment is robust and other problems, so we in the early preparation of equipment in the process, to do a good job:

1. Determine the position of the lamp: survey the geological condition, assuming that the surface 1 meter 2 is soft soil, then the excavation depth should be deepened; Together, we should admit that there are no other facilities below the excavation direction (such as cables, pipelines, etc.), and there is no long-term sunshade object on the top of the road traffic light, otherwise we should replace the direction properly.

2. Reserve (excavate) a 1.3-meter pit in line with the specification in the orientation of the vertical lamps and lanterns for positioning and casting of buried parts. The embedded part is placed in the middle of the square pit, one end of the PVC threading pipe is placed in the middle of the embedded part, and the other end is placed in the storage battery. Pay attention to adhere to the embedded parts, foundation and in situ on the same level (or screw tip and in situ on the same level, according to the site needs), there is a side to parallel with the road; So it can ensure that the lamppost is erected after the rules and not skewed. Then with C20 concrete pouring fixed, pouring process should not stop the vibrator vibrate, to ensure the overall compactness, robustness.

3. After construction, clean up the residual mud and slag on the positioning plate in time, and clean the impurities on the bolt with waste oil.

4. The concrete condensation process, to be punctual watering maintenance; When the concrete is completely condensed (generally more than 72 hours), the talent for chandelier equipment.

In order to do a good job of the foundation of road traffic lights, in addition to the normal pouring operation, it is very important that the late maintenance operation, to be punctual watering maintenance, talent to ensure the quality of construction.

Post time: Oct-12-2022